Logan Seitz is an eleven-year-old starting pitcher for the New Jersey State Bombers, a competitive travel youth baseball team. He’s the kind of kid who chooses to wear knickers, even when the rest of his team is wearing long pants so that he can show off his prosthetic leg on the field. Partially out of pride for who he is – and partially in the hopes to distract the opposing team when he’s on the pitcher’s mound. Logan’s confidence is as impressive as his athletic abilities. Both of which he got from his mom, Jen Seitz.

To say Logan has always been an active kid is an understatement. In fact, the reason Jen first reached out to us in 2017, when Logan was seven years old, was because she was looking for a prosthetic company whose equipment could withstand Logan’s active lifestyle.

At that point, Logan began ripping through his prosthetic sleeve nearly every 48 hours. This was starting to limit Logan – something Jen promised herself she would never let happen. So they reached out to us, and we’ve been working together ever since.

“Allcare’s philosophy is that they want to see kids as active as possible,” Jen says. “Mike will build anything Logan needs to thrive in his sports. He innovates things as our needs come up.”

That’s one of the many things we love about Logan – he gives us opportunities to get creative. And then we get to see the results in the form of watching Logan’s talent grow from season to season.

The latest example took place this Spring. In typical fashion, Logan decided to revolutionize his running blade, the Cheetah Junior with a Nike Sole – becoming the first ever to use it for baseball. As a kid known for stealing bases, Logan was inspired to use his blade in this way, as it helped him run better.

The only problem: whenever he would pitch on artificial mounds, the blade would slip. So he found himself having to switch legs in between every inning.

When Jen and Logan reached out to Mike, their prosthetist at Allcare, Mike started working on building a custom leg for Logan. After cutting up an old pair of Logan’s Under Armour cleats, Mike was able to use the pieces to create a cleated bottom for his running leg. Using a custom suction socket with a reinforced Ohio WillowWood sleeve and WillowWood cushion liner, Mike delivered Logan a customized running blade that allows him to interchange the Nike sneaker sole – for when he’s running around the bases – and a cleated bottom for when he’s on the pitcher’s mound.

Logan is now successfully using his customized baseball leg multiple times per week whenever he plays games for his travel baseball team. He no longer has to spend his time and energy in between innings switching between two prosthetic legs. Logan can now stay entirely focused on playing the game and having fun with his teammates.

Keep it up Logan, we love watching you play!

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