Mike Braxton Jr.
Peer Visitor
Patient Advocate
On a beautiful Sunday, I hopped in the saddle and took myself on a nice ride on my Honda CBR. I approached an intersection and was going to collide with a car. While trying to avoid the collision, I struck a pole. The pole broke my right foot and traumatically amputated my left leg below the knee. I was riding with my friends, angels on earth, they came to my aid, placed a tourniquet on me, and saved my life. I spent the following month recovering in the hospital.
When released, I spent almost a year in physical therapy in hopes of returning back to work full duty as a police officer. Sure enough, almost a year to the date of my accident, I was able to return to serve my community. In 2015 and 2016, I competed as a para athlete in track and field. I attained many medals in hopes of making Team USA. I was unable to make the team, but I met many influential people and had wonderful moments & memories.
I continued living life, and even after becoming an amputee, I was able to find someone who saw me for me, not my disability. On June 1st, 2019 she became my wife, showing proof that there’s still love after amputation.
In 2022, I graduated from the K9 Academy and became New Jersey’s 1st Amputee K9 Officer. A lifelong dream and accomplishment that I hope will help open doors for the rest of our amputee community.
Wearing Amplife Clothing feels the same as when I’m lacing up my boots for duty. I can walk around with my head held high with a strong sense of pride. Several times I’ve been stopped and told how awesome and motivating I’ve been to others just by them observing my gear. I’ve been able to hear stories of what others have gone through, and told them my story, breaking the ice for special moments to inspire each other.
I don’t know what’s next but I’m ready! When you stay ready, you never have to get ready! I want to motivate and inspire all!